Expires:202405301630;;354449 FGUS83 KGRB 291623 RVSGRB WIC009-071-075-083-087-115-135-139-301630- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1123 AM CDT Wed May 29 2024 ...Above bankfull but below flood stage levels were observed along the Wolf River...Little Wolf River...Manitowoc River...East River... Oconto River and Peshtigo River... For the Peshtigo River at Porterfield * The latest stage was 10.7 feet. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. There is minor flooding of wooded lowland. Flood stage is at 12 feet. For the Little Wolf River at Royalton * The latest stage was 4.0 feet. * Impacts at 4.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 5 feet. For the East River at Green Bay * The latest stage was 9.7 feet. * Impacts at 9.0 feet. At bankfull, minor lowland flooding is occurring. For the Oconto River at Oconto * The latest stage was 7.0 feet. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. Water approaches a public campground in the City of Oconto and there is flooding of lowland. Flood stage is at 9 feet. For the Wolf River at New London * The latest stage was 7.5 feet. * Impacts at 8.0 feet. Flooding affects confined to lowland regions adjacent to the river. Slow no wake advisories may be posted for part of the river during the boating season. For the Manitowoc River at Manitowoc * The latest stage was 8.5 feet. * Impacts at 9.0 feet. Flooding is confined to low-lying areas. For the Wolf River at Shiocton * The latest stage was 9.0 feet. * Impacts at 9.0 feet. Which is bankfull stage...there is minor lowland flooding, including portions of the Shiocton boat landing and city park. Flood stage is at 11 feet. For the East River near Greenleaf * The latest stage was 11.3 feet. * Impacts at 11.0 feet. Widespread lowland flooding is occurring. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && Additional stage information and forecasts if available. Fld Observed Forecasts (5 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Peshtigo River Porterfield 12.0 10.7 Wed 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Little Wolf River Royalton 5.0 4.0 Wed 10 am 3.5 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.1 East River Green Bay 13.0 9.7 Wed 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Greenleaf 13.0 11.4 Wed 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Oconto River Oconto 9.0 7.0 Wed 10 am 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.3 6.0 Wolf River New London 9.0 7.5 Wed 10 am 7.7 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.1 Shiocton 11.0 9.0 Tue 7 am 9.6 9.7 9.6 9.1 8.6 Manitowoc River Manitowoc 10.0 8.5 Wed 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG $$