Expires:202003040348;;886207 FGUS83 KARX 030348 RVSARX WIC023-123-040348- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 948 PM CST Mon Mar 2 2020 ...A statement concerning The Kickapoo River at Readstown...Soldiers Grove...Gays Mills...Steuben... Mild temperatures and snow melt will produce continued rises on the Kickapoo River through the coming weekend. Kickapoo River at Readstown...The stage this evening was 6.03 feet. Flood stage is 11.0 feet. The river is forecast to reach 10.80 feet Saturday morning, which is below flood stage. Kickapoo River at Soldiers Grove...The stage today was 6.62 feet. Flood stage is 13.0 feet. The river is forecast to rise above flood stage Saturday evening, and reach 13.20 feet Monday morning. This would result in Minor flooding, with additional rises expected thereafter. Kickapoo River at Gays Mills...No observed stage was available. Flood stage is 13.0 feet. The river is forecast to rise to 12.90 feet Monday morning, which is below flood stage. Kickapoo River at Steuben...The stage this evening was 8.18 feet. Flood stage is 12.0 feet. The river is forecast to rise above flood stage Sunday, and reach 12.40 feet Monday. This would result in Minor flooding, with additional rises expected thereafter. For this, and a wealth of other river and weather information, visit our website at: www.weather.gov/lacrosse $$ Lawrence