Expires:202007191645;;043729 FGUS83 KGRB 181643 RVSGRB MIC043-109-WIC009-037-041-067-069-073-075-078-083-085-087-097-115- 125-139-141-191645- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI Issued by National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1143 AM CDT Sat Jul 18 2020 ...Above bankfull but below flood stage levels were observed along the Oconto River...Menominee River...Pike River...Fox River... Wisconsin River...UPPER WOLF RIVER...Peshtigo River and Upper Wolf River... For the Peshtigo River at Athelstane * The latest stage was 6.2 feet. * Impacts at 6.0 feet. Near bankfull stage...rapids upstream can be very dangerous due to debris from sides of the river working through the various rapids. For the Fox River at Little Lake Buttes Des Morts * The latest stage was 2.4 feet. * Impacts at 4.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. For the Wisconsin River at Rothschild * The latest stage was 16.1 feet. * Impacts at 18.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 25 feet. For the Peshtigo River at Johnson Falls Dam * The latest stage was 773.7 feet. * Impacts at 774.0 feet. At bankfull stage...there is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 776 feet. For the Menominee River at Big Quinnesec Falls Dam * The latest flow was 3552.0 cfs. * Impacts at 5000.0 cfs. While flooding is not expected...rivers flows are high or expected to increase. Recreational interests should monitor the river. Property owners adjacent to the river should consider protecting shoreline equipment including docks... piers and boats. For the Wisconsin River at Dubay Reservoir * The latest stage was 1090.6 feet. * Impacts at 1095.0 feet. There is flooding in wooded lowland areas. For the Wisconsin River at Wisconsin Rapids * The latest stage was 4.3 feet. * Impacts at 8.5 feet. water approaches a few trees in low-lying areas. For the Peshtigo River at Porterfield * The latest stage was 11.2 feet. * Impacts at 12.0 feet. Area boat docks begin flooding and there is widespread flooding of wooded lowland. For the Oconto River at Oconto * The latest stage was 6.7 feet. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. Water approaches a public campground in the city of Oconto and there is flooding of lowland. Flood stage is at 9 feet For the Peshtigo River at Sandstone Dam * The latest stage was 682.1 feet. * Impacts at 683.0 feet. Minor lowland flooding begins. Flood stage is at 686 feet. For the Wisconsin River at Biron Reservoir * The latest stage was 1012.6 feet. * Impacts at 1015.0 feet. Wooded lowland flooding is occurring. There is minor shoreline flooding of some homes on Shoreline Acres Drive in Biron. For the Wisconsin River at Alexander Reservoir * The latest stage was 1256.2 feet. * Impacts at 1257.0 feet. Flooding affects wooded lowland. For the Wisconsin River at Tomahawk Dam * The latest stage was 1421.9 feet. * Impacts at 1427.0 feet. Lowland flooding is occurring . For the Fox River at Appleton * The latest stage was 6.3 feet. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. The river current in this region begins to get fast from Appleton to The Thousand Island area downstream. For the Fox River at Green Bay * The latest stage was 582.2 feet. * Impacts at 582.0 feet. Which is bankfull stage...there is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 584 feet. For the Wisconsin River at Wausau * The latest stage was 1164.8 feet. * Impacts at 1165.0 feet. Mainly lowland flooding is occurring in DC Everest Park and Oak Island Park For the Peshtigo River at High Falls Dam * The latest stage was 816.8 feet. * Impacts at 817.0 feet. Water covers small islands and spreads into adjacent lowland and wooded land. Flood stage is at 820 feet. For the Wisconsin River at Merrill * The latest stage was 6.5 feet. * Impacts at 3.5 feet. About 2 feet below normal stage...submerged rocks and structures may become more hazardous to boaters over more sections of the river . For the Wisconsin River at Otter Rapids-Eagle River * The latest stage was 1605.5 feet. * Impacts at 1607.0 feet. There is lowland flooding. For the Wisconsin River at Alice Lake Reservoir * The latest stage was 1458.6 feet. * Impacts at 1460.0 feet. Which is bankfull...minor lowland flooding is likely occurring. For the Oconto River at Gillett * The latest stage was 4.0 feet. * Impacts at 4.5 feet. There is minor lowland flooding in the Gillett vicinity. Minor lowland flooding may also be affecting upstream areas toward Suring. For the Menominee River at Kingsford * The latest flow was 3541.0 cfs. * Impacts at 8000.0 cfs. Flows at this rate downstream from the Kingsford Dam may impact some shoreline structures. For the Wisconsin River at Grandfather Dam * The latest stage was 1302.8 feet. * Impacts at 1305.0 feet. Low-lying flooding is occurring. For the Wisconsin River at Stevens Point * The latest stage was 1071.7 feet. * Impacts at 1074.0 feet. There is flooding of wooded lowland. For the Peshtigo River at Peshtigo * The latest stage was 6.6 feet. * Impacts at 9.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 10 feet. For the Wisconsin River at Rhinelander * The latest stage was 1555.4 feet. * Impacts at 1558.0 feet. Lowland flooding is occurring. For the Wisconsin River at Rainbow Reservoir * The latest stage was 3.3 feet. * Impacts at 4.0 feet. There is minor flooding of wooded lowland. Flood stage is at 6 feet. For the Pike River at Amberg * The latest stage was 5.2 feet. * Impacts at 4.5 feet. Which is bankfull stage...there is minor flooding of wooded lowland. Flood stage is at 6.5 feet For the Wisconsin River at Whiting Dam * The latest stage was 1049.7 feet. * Impacts at 1051.0 feet. Flooding is confined to wooded lowland areas. For the Fox River at Oshkosh * The latest stage was 6.3 feet. * Impacts at 7.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. For the Menominee River at Grand Rapids Mcallister * The latest stage was 637.4 feet. * Impacts at 638.0 feet. There is minor flooding of wooded lowland. Flood stage is at 640 feet. For the Upper Wolf River at Shawano * The latest stage was 10.3 feet. * Impacts at 10.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is 11 feet. For the Upper Wolf River at Langlade * The latest stage was 9.5 feet. * Impacts at 9.5 feet. There is minor flooding of lowland in the vicinity of the town of Langlade. At high flows...river banks can quickly become saturated and unstable. Flood stage is 11.5 feet. For the Peshtigo River at Caldron Falls Dam * The latest stage was 903.4 feet. * Impacts at 903.0 feet. There is minor lowland flooding. Flood stage is at 905 feet. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. The next scheduled routine statement will be issued tomorrow morning. && Additional stage information and forecasts if available. Fld Observed Forecasts (5 pm) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Oconto River Oconto 9.0 6.7 Sat 6 am 7.3 7.7 7.7 7.6 7.5 Oconto Fall 605.0 MSG unknown MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Gillett 7.5 4.0 Sat 9 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Menominee River Big Quinnes -9999 3552.0 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Kingsford -9999 3541.0 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Grand Rapid 640.0 637.4 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Pike River Amberg 6.5 5.2 Sat 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Fox River Little Lake 6.5 2.4 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Appleton 8.4 6.3 Sat 10 am 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 Green Bay 584.0 582.2 Sat 6 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Rapide Croc 606.0 MSG unknown MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Oshkosh 7.5 6.4 Sat 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Wisconsin River Rothschild 25.0 16.1 Sat 10 am 17.6 19.6 19.9 18.9 17.7 Dubay Reser 1098. 1090.6 Sat 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Wisconsin R 12.0 4.4 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Biron Reser 1017. 1012.6 Sat 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Alexander R 1259. 1256.2 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Tomahawk Da 1429. 1421.9 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Wausau 1167. 1164.8 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Hat Rapids 1527. 1522.1 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Merrill 11.0 6.5 Sat 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Otter Rapid 1610. 1605.5 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Alice Lake 1461. 1458.6 Fri 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Grandfather 1308. 1302.8 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Stevens Poi 1076. 1071.7 Sat 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Rhinelander 1559. 1555.4 Fri 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Rainbow Res 6.0 3.3 Sat 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Whiting Dam 1053. 1049.7 Sat 7 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Lac Vieuex 82.5 MSG unknown MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG UPPER WOLF RIVER Shawano COO 11.0 MSG unknown MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Peshtigo River Athelstane 9.0 6.2 Sat 10 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Johnson Fal 776.0 773.7 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Porterfield 12.0 11.2 Sat 9 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Sandstone D 686.0 682.1 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG High Falls 820.0 816.8 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Peshtigo 10.0 6.6 Sat 9 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Caldron Fal 905.0 903.4 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Upper Wolf River Shawano 11.0 10.3 Sat 11 am MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Langlade 11.5 9.5 Sat 10 am 9.6 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.6 $$