Expires:201702150014;;715558 FGUS85 KRIW 141215 RVSRIW WYC037-150014- Hydrologic Statement National Weather Service Riverton WY 514 AM MST TUE FEB 14 2017 ...Ice jamming with high water expected on the Blacks Fork at Little America through Tuesday Afternoon... The recent warm weather has caused significant snowmelt. This in combination with some ice jams was causing some minor flooding along area small creeks and streams in Sweetwater County. At 5 am, the Blacks Fork River at Little America was just over 10.5 feet. Flood stage is 10.5 feet. Some flooding of farm or pasture land near the river is expected. River ice is very unpredictable, and may move and jam with little notice. Any ice jam can cause flooding, as the ice dams the river, causing rapid increases in river levels in a short period of time. People living near the river should monitor the situation closely and be ready to move to higher ground if flooding occurs. $$ Team Riverton