AGUS74 KWCO 222132 AHDNWC Area Hydrological Discussion #312 - EXPERIMENTAL NWS National Water Center - Tuscaloosa, AL 324 PM CST Fri Nov 22 2024 WHAT: Locally considerable flooding WHERE: Central California WHEN Into tonight FORECAST RAINFALL AND ANTECEDENT CONDITIONS... QPF: 1 - 3, locally higher (HRRR) Rainfall Rates: 0.25 - 1/hr (WPC) QPE: 1 - 3, locally higher (48 hr MRMS QPE) Soils: Mostly dry (NASA SPoRT) DISCUSSION... Persistent moderate to locally heavy rainfall will continue over the area of concern this afternoon, resulting in increased flooding concerns over the area. Though soils within the region are pretty dry, the imperviable and channelized nature of the region will support rainfall to quickly convert to overland flood increasing the potential for quick increases on urban streams and some rapid flows on roadways. This will result in a few considerable flood impacts within this small region. Additionally, rockslides and landslides will become increasingly possible as soils become completely saturated and thus unstable. The National Water Model (NWM) Short Range Forecast (SRF) continues to highlight the potential for rapid onset flooding (ROF) between San Francisco to Sacramento. ROF probabilities are generally around 50% in the region with scattered AEPs around 10% and locally as low as 2%, increasing confidence in the potential of urbanized flash and channel flooding. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION Additional National Water Center products are available at //GKendrick ATTN...WFO...MTR...STO ATTN...RFC...RSA...WPC