NOUS41 KAKQ 271231 RRA PNSAKQ MDZ021>025-NCZ012>017-030>032-102-VAZ048-060>062-064>069-075>090- 092-093-095>100-509>525-271615- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 735 AM EDT Wed NOV 27 2024 ...PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT... Between 1130 AM and noon EDT today, and normally every Wednesday, we will conduct a test of the NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio Alarm System. Those with alarm functionality on their radios are asked to ensure that they are turned on, in order to confirm that the test was received. Again, the alarm test will be conducted between 1130 AM and noon EDT today. The alarm test may be cancelled without notice in the event of rapidly developing warning or watch conditions, which require the Wakefield office to shift into a higher alert mode. $$ NWS/AKQ