NPXX10 EDZW 280901 DWD OFFENBACH/GERMANY ATTENTION: TO ALL RECIPIENTS OF EDZW DATA WE HAVE FIXED THE PROBLEM (German SYNOPS) AND RESUMED NORMAL OPERATIONS AT 08:00 UTC ALL MISSING DATA WILL BE RE-SENT IF POSSIBLE. IN CASE OF FURTHER PROBLEMS OR MISSING DATA PLEASE CONTACT US AT MSS.OPERATOR@DWD.DE WE ONCE AGAIN APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE Yours sincerely, i.A. Meteorological Control Centre / Service Desk DMRZ Department Systems & Operations ***************************************************************** German Meteorological Office / EDZW Frankfurter Str. 135 63067 Offenbach Germany Phone: +49 (0)69 8062-2000 E-Mail: Web: Any processing of your personal data by DWD is in compliance with current legislation. For more information, see our data protection information at