Expires:No;;375653 ASUS62 KFFC 031505 RTPGA Max/min Temperature And Rainfall Table For Georgia National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 1015 AM EDT Wed Jul 3 2024 :Highest temperature yesterday, lowest temperature since midnight :Precipitation for 24 hours ending at 7 AM local time : .BR ATL 0703 ES DH00/TAIRZX/DH07/TAIRZP/PPDRZZ : : : Station ID High Low 24 HR Pcpn : :Albany :ABY 90 / 77 / T :Alma :AMG 86 / 76 / 0.02 :Athens :AHN 89 / 69 / 0.00 :Atlanta :ATL 90 / 77 / 0.00 :Augusta :AGS 89 / 69 / 0.01 :Columbus :CSG 86 / 77 / T :Gainesville :GVL 88 / 71 / 0.00 :Macon :MCN 88 / 73 / T :Marietta :MGE 91 / 77 / 0.00 :NE Atlanta :PDK 89 / 75 / 0.00 :Peachtree City :FFC 90 / 75 / 0.00 :Rome :RMG 91 / 73 / 0.00 :Savannah :SAV 87 / 76 / T :Valdosta :VLD 93 / 77 / 1.38 :West Atlanta :FTY 91 / 77 / 0.00 .END : : M indicates missing data. : : Georgia Supplemental Temperature and Precipitation Table : : High and low temperature and precipitation past 24 hours : ending 7 AM local time : .BR ATL 0703 E DH07/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/TAIRZZ/PPDRZZ : : 7AM 24 HR : Station SID Max Min Temp Precip : -------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ : Allatoona Dam :CVLG1 M/ M/ M/ 0.00 : Alto :ATOG1 84/ 66/ 69/ 0.00 : Carrollton :CRLG1 87/ 76/ 76/ 0.00 : Chatsworth :CWTG1 M/ M/ M/ 0.00 : Cleveland :CLVG1 83/ 62/ 66/ 0.00 : Columbus :CLMG1 95/ 75/ 76/ 0.00 : Dallas :DALG1 92/ 74/ 79/ 0.00 : Danielsville :DANG1 91/ 67/ 70/ 0.00 : Gainesville :GVLG1 87/ 68/ 70/ 0.00 : Hawkinsville :HAWG1 85/ 75/ 76/ 0.00 : Jasper :JASG1 82/ 70/ 71/ 0.00 : Jonesboro :JNSG1 89/ 74/ 76/ 0.00 : Rome :RMGG1 91/ 72/ 73/ 0.00 : Sautee :STEG1 86/ 63/ 64/ 0.00 .END : .BR ATL 0703 E DH07/PPDRZZ : : Stations reporting precipitation only : : Station SID Precip : -------------- ----- ------ : Adairsville :ADAG1 0.00 : Americus :AMRG1 0.00 : Doraville :DRAG1 0.00 .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/. Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncdc.noaa.gov. $$