Expires:No;;398185 ASUS63 KDDC 260005 RTPDDC Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table For Southwest...West Central...South Central Kansas National Weather Service -- Dodge City Kansas 605 PM CST Wed Dec 25 2024 .BR DDC 1225 CS DH18/TAIRZS/TAIRZI/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :Values represent 18 hour highs....lows over the last 18 hours and :precipitation over the last 24 hours ending at 6 PM CST/7 PM CDT : :............................................................. : ID Station Max / Min / 24 HR / Snow : Name Temp / Temp / Pcpn / Snow / Depth :............................................................. : : First order /ASOS/ Sites DDC : Dodge City Airport : 42 / 25 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 GCK : Garden City Airport: 42 / 25 / 0.00 / / P28 : Medicine Lodge : 43 / 28 / 0.00 / / : : AWOS sites EHA : Elkhart Airport : 49 / 33 / 0.01 / / HYS : Hays Airport : 37 / 22 / 0.00 / / LBL : Liberal Airport : 49 / 28 / 0.00 / / PTT : Pratt Airport : 45 / 28 / 0.00 / / : .END .BR DDC 1225 CS DH18/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :Cooperative temperature and precipitation observations :for the previous 24 hours ending around 6 PM Local Time : :................................................................... : ID Station Obs / Max / Min / 24hr / Snow / Snow : Name Time / Temp / Temp / Pcpn / Fall / Depth :................................................................... : : : : :Other COOP precipitation observations for the :previous 24 hours ending around 6 PM Local time : : .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/. Therefore...these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$