Expires:No;;399362 ASUS63 KFGF 260036 RTPFGF Evening Temperature and Precipitation Summary National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 636 PM CST Wed Dec 25 2024 Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation table for Eastern North Dakota and Northwestern Minnesota (Evening-All Season) High temperatures over the last 12 hours ...Lows over the last 18 hours ...Precipitation for the past 24 hours** ending at 00Z or 7pm CDT...6pm CST ** 24-hr precip might not be reported between 1 Nov and 1 Mar .BR FAR 1225 CS DH18/TAIRZS/TAIRZI/PPD/SF/SD : Evening RTP For Central Time... :.................................................................. : Eastern North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota : Automated Weather Station reports :.................................................................. : Station Max / Min / 24-hr / Snow / Snow : Name Temp/ Temp / Precip / Fall / Depth :.................................................................. : Min/Max from between-hour ASOS reports GRFN8: Grand Forks NWS : 30 / 23 / T / 0.3 / 5 GFK : Grand Forks Airport: 32 / 25 / 0.01 / M / 4 FAR : Fargo : 30 / 24 / T / T / 3 DVL : Devils Lake : 30 / 18 / M / / BDE : Baudette : 34 / 27 / 0.00 / / BJI : Bemidji : 30 / 24 / M / / PKD : Park Rapids : 30 / 26 / M / / TVF : Thief River Falls : 32 / 24 / M / / : Min/Max from hourly AWOS reports : Temperature only AWOS 9D7 : Cando : 28 / 14 / / / 2C8 : Cavalier : 30 / 19 / / / S32 : Cooperstown : 28 / 23 / / / GWR : Gwinner : 30 / 23 / / / D55 : Langdon : 28 / 18 / / / BAC : Valley City : 28 / 23 / / / BWP : Wahpeton : 30 / 25 / / / 96D : Walhalla : 32 / 14 / / / CKN : Crookston : 32 / 25 / / / DTL : Detroit Lakes : 30 / 25 / / / Y63 : Elbow Lake : M / M / / / FFM : Fergus Falls : 30 / 27 / / / FGN : Flag Island : M / M / / / FSE : Fosston : 34 / 25 / / / HCO : Hallock : 30 / 25 / / / JKJ : Moorhead : 30 / 25 / / / ROX : Roseau : 30 / 21 / / / ADC : Wadena : 28 / 27 / / / RRT : Warroad : 30 / 21 / / / VWU : Waskish : 36 / 27 / / / : RAWS Stations FRTN8: Fort Totten : 29 / 19 / / / HMDN8: Hampden : 28 / 16 / / / SNGN8: Sheyenne : 30 / 24 / / / AGRM5: Agassiz : 34 / 23 / / / BDRM5: Badoura : 29 / 25 / / / BTTM5: Baudette : 32 / 24 / / / ITCM5: Itasca : 30 / 24 / / / KDNM5: Kelliher : 31 / 24 / / / KITM5: Karlstad : 32 / 23 / / / RNRM5: Roseau : 32 / 23 / / / : : Temperatures that are based on hourly observations from : Automated Weather Stations may not capture the Highs : or Lows that occur between the tops of the hours .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$