Expires:No;;399366 ASUS63 KLOT 260036 RTPIL Maximum/Minimum Temperature and Precipitation Table National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 636 PM CST Wed Dec 25 2024 High temperature last 18 hours Low temperature last 18 hours Precipitation last 24 hours .BR LOT 1226 C DH18/TAIRZY/TAIRZI/PPDRZZ :ID Location High Low Pcpn ORD : Chicago-O'Hare : 39 / 32 / 0.00 CNII2: Chi-Northerly Isle : 38 / 32 / MDW : Chicago-Midway : 39 / 34 / 0.00 LOTI2: NWS Romeoville : 38 / 32 / T RFD : Rockford : 38 / 30 / 0.00 DPA : DuPage Airport : M / M / 0.00 UGN : Waukegan : 38 / 29 / 0.00 ARR : Aurora Airport : 40 / 32 / 0.00 PWK : Wheeling : 39 / 31 / 0.00 MLI : Moline : 39 / 34 / 0.00 BMI : Bloomington : 40 / 33 / T CMI : Champaign : 45 / 37 / 0.04 DEC : Decatur : 46 / 38 / 0.07 LWV : Lawrenceville : 48 / 43 / 0.27 ILX : NWS Lincoln : 42 / 35 / 0.03 MTO : Mattoon : 45 / 37 / 0.15 PIA : Peoria : 38 / 35 / 0.02 SPI : Springfield : 44 / 38 / M CPS : Cahokia : 47 / 43 / 0.19 UIN : Quincy : 40 / 36 / 0.00 MDH : Carbondale : 47 / 44 / 0.20 .END Please note that only the readings for Chicago-O'Hare, Rockford, Lincoln, Peoria, Springfield, and Moline are to be used for climatological purposes. Other stations are supplemental, and should not be used for official climatological data. These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$