Expires:No;;227441 ASUS64 KHUN 010117 RTPHUN Temperature and Precipitation Table for the TN Valley National Weather Service Huntsville AL 817 PM CDT Sun Jun 30 2024 Values represent Highs and Lows since Midnight LST Yesterday /Past 18 hours/. Precipitation values are 24 hour totals. .BR HUN 0630 CS DH18/TAIRZS/TAIRZI/PPDRZZ : : MAX MIN :ID LOCATION TEMP TEMP PCPN : : First-Order /ASOS/ Sites DCU :Decatur ASOS / Pryor Field :95 /77 /0.09 HSV :Huntsville ASOS / Jones Field :95 /77 /0.01 MSL :Muscle Shoals ASOS / NW AL Regional :96 /78 /0.10 : : AWOS Sites :/Reports every 20 minutes...Precip data not included/ 8A0 :Albertville AWOS :M /M / 4A9 :Fort Payne AWOS / Isbell Field :90 /75 / MDQ :Meridianville AWOS / Mad Co Exec Arpt :89 /75 / CMD :Cullman AWOS / Folsom Field :M /M / BGF :Winchester AWOS :M /M / .END : Values represent 24-hour Highs...Lows...and Precipitation /since 6 PM LST Yesterday/. .BR HUN 0630 CS DH18/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ : : MAX MIN :ID LOCATION TEMP TEMP PCPN : : Climate and Forestry Stations BHFA1 :Bankhead National Forest RAWS :91 /75 /0.15 CUXA1 :Cullman HCN-M :93 /73 /M LCXA1 :Lawrence County Airport COOP-M :93 /77 /M MSXA1 :Muscle Shoals TVA HCN-M :94 /77 /M RUXA1 :Russellville Municipal Airport COOP-M :89 /72 /M SCXA1 :Scottsboro Municipal Airport HCN-M :88 /73 /0.01 SMCA1 :Crossville CRN :89 /72 /0.03 VHXA1 :Valley Head HCN-M :87 /75 /0.31 : : Other Reporting Stations UAHA1 :National Space Science and Technology Center :92 /76 /0.86 .END : These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/. Therefore...these data are subject to revision. Final and Certified Climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$