Expires:No;;398972 ASUS65 KCYS 260017 RTPCYS Regional Temperature and Precipitation Table National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 515 PM MST Wed Dec 25 2024 Values represent lows over the last 18 hours, highs over the last 18 hours, and precipitation over the last 24 hours, ending at 5 pm .BR CYS 1225 M DH17/TAIRZS/TAIRZI/PPDRZZ : Southeast Wyoming Airport Locations : : M indicates missing data : : Max Min :ID Location Elev Temp Temp Pcpn : CYS : Cheyenne ASOS 6140: 46 / 26 / T DWX : Dixon AWOS 6520: 36 / 28 / DGW : Douglas ASOS 4930: 46 / 23 / 0.00 EHY : Elk Mountain AWOS 7295: 37 / 27 / LAR : Laramie ASOS 7275: 40 / 29 / 0.02 82V : Pine Bluffs AWOS 5150: 50 / 23 / RWL : Rawlins ASOS 6745: 38 / 30 / 0.02 SAA : Saratoga AWOS 7010: 37 / 27 / TOR : Torrington ASOS 4205: 51 / 28 / T EAN : Wheatland AWOS 4776: 53 / 34 / T : : Nebraska Panhandle Airport Locations : : M indicates missing data : : Max Min :ID Location Elev Temp Temp Pcpn : AIA : Alliance ASOS 3930: 45 / 25 / 0.00 CDR : Chadron ASOS 3295: 50 / 38 / 0.00 IBM : Kimball AWOS 4925: 53 / 22 / 0.00 BFF : Scottsbluff ASOS 3960: 49 / 30 / 0.00 : .END : : Southeast Wyoming Cooperative Observations : : Values are for the previous 24 hours. In some weather situations, : reported high temperatures may reflect conditions from the : previous day. : : M indicates missing data : .BR CYS 1225 M DH02/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : : Obs Max Min Snow Snow :ID Location Elev Time Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth : : : Nebraska Panhandle Cooperative Observations : : Values are for the previous 24 hours. In some weather situations, : reported high temperatures may reflect conditions from the : previous day. : : M indicates missing data : : Obs Max Min Snow Snow :ID Location Elev Time Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth : : .END : All values provided in this product are preliminary, pending final certification by the National Centers for Environmental Information. $$