Expires:No;;408049 ASUS66 KOTX 260446 RTPOTX Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho National Weather Service Spokane WA 845 PM PST Wed Dec 25 2024 High temperature, low temperature, precipitation, and snowfall past 24 hours up to listed observation time. NOTE: These locations report temperatures once every 24 hours. In some weather situations reported high temperatures may reflect conditions for the previous day. .BR OTX 1225 PS DH10/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : Obs Max Min 24 hr 24 hr Snow :ID Station Elev Time Temp Temp Pcpn Snow Depth GCXW1: Grand Coulee Dam 1700 : DH 1700 41 / 30 / 0.01 / 0.0 / 0 WNPW1: Winthrop N.F.H. 1755 : DH 1545 33 / 20 / 0.30 / 0.3 / 16 .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$