Expires:201804191550;;163210 ASUS63 KLOT 190150 RTPLOT Flood Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 850 PM CDT Wed Apr 18 2018 ...The Flood Warning continues for the Kankakee River at Shelby affecting Lake and Newton Counties... PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Safety message...If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn around and find an alternate route. && INC089-111-191550- /O.CON.KLOT.FL.W.0042.000000T0000Z-180424T1800Z/ /SLBI3.1.ER.180416T2145Z.180420T0000Z.180424T1200Z.NO/ 850 PM CDT Wed Apr 18 2018 The Flood Warning continues for The Kankakee River at Shelby. * until Tuesday afternoon. * At 745 PM Wednesday the stage was 9.6 feet. * Flood stage is 9.0 feet. * Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 9.7 feet by Thursday evening. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday morning. * Impact...At 10.0 feet...Flooding affects county and local roads. Wildwood Estates and Sumava Resorts begin to experience some flooding. && LAT...LON 4118 8722 4111 8753 4121 8756 4127 8727 $$ Izzi