Expires:202009261252;;550351 ASUS61 KRLX 251252 RTPRLX WVZALL-KYZ105-WVZ005-261252- Regional Max/Min Temperature And Precipitation Table National Weather Service Charleston WV 852 AM EDT Fri Sep 25 2020 :Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS) Sites :Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows over the last 12 Hours :and Precipitation over the last 24 Hours .BR RLX 0925 E DH01/TAIRZX/DH07/TAIRZP/PPDRZZ : : MAX MIN :ID LOCATION TEMP TEMP PCPN : BKW :Beckley Apt : 68 / 57 / 0.00 CRW :Charleston Apt : 73 / 57 / 0.00 HTS :Huntington Apt : 76 / 59 / 0.00 EKN :Elkins Apt : 74 / 51 / 0.00 BLF :Bluefield Apt : 61 / 53 / 0.30 MRB :Martinsburg Apt : 75 / 52 / 0.00 PKB :Parkersburg Apt : 77 / 53 / 0.00 CKB :Clarksburg Apt : 74 / 50 / 0.00 MGW :Morgantown Ap : 75 / 53 / 0.00 HLG :Ohio Cnty Ap : M / 53 / 0.00 : .BR RLX 0925 E DH07/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PP : LWBW2:Lewisburg Apt Coop : 65 / 52 / 0.09 :Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) Sites :Estimated Highs yesterday...Estimated Lows over the last 12 Hours :and Precipitation over the last 24 Hours .BR RLX 0925 E DH01/TAIRZX/DH07/TAIRZP/PPDRZZ : : MAX MIN :ID LOCATION TEMP TEMP PCPN : W22 :Upshur Cnty Apt : 75 / 52 / M 3I2 :Mason Cnty Apt : 64 / 54 / M 6L4 :Logan Cnty Apt : 68 / 61 / M I16 :Pineville Apt : 68 / 59 / M LWB :Lewisburg Apt : 65 / 55 / M CBE :Cumberland Apt : 75 / 52 / M W99 :Grant Cnty Apt : 78 / 51 / M UNI :Athens/Albany Apt : 77 / 53 / M I43 :Jackson Apt : 77 / 52 / M DWU :Ashland Apt : 77 / 57 / M :Remote Automatic Weather Observing Stations (RAWS) :Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows over the last 12 Hours :and Precipitation over the last 24 Hours : .BR RLX 0925 E DH01/TAIRPX/DH07/TAIRPP/PPDRGZ : : MAX MIN :ID LOCATION TEMP TEMP PCPN : TMRW2:Tomlinson Run (fire W: 76 / 53 / 0.00 CWLW2:Conaway Lake RAWS : 77 / 54 / 0.00 LKRW2:Lakin RAWS : 79 / 54 / 0.00 BFRW2:Beech Fork RAWS : 78 / 59 / 0.00 BEEW2:Bee Mountain RAWS : 72 / 58 / 0.00 LGRW2:Logan RAWS : 68 / 59 / 0.00 BRWW2:Elkhorn/Berwind RAWS : 65 / 56 / 0.06 PIRW2:Pipestem RAWS : 65 / 54 / 0.13 GRNW2:Grandview RAWS : 65 / 55 / 0.00 MARW2:Marlinton RAWS : 64 / 52 / 0.02 FLRW2:Flatwoods RAWS : 73 / 55 / 0.00 CRFW2:Wvu Research Forest : 71 / 53 / 0.00 KGWW2:Kingwood (fire Wx) : 72 / 52 / 0.00 BDKW2:Bearden Knob (fire Wx: 69 / 53 / 0.00 UPTW2:Upper Tract RAWS : 73 / 52 / 0.00 NATW2:Nathaniel Mtn Raws : 69 / 55 / 0.00 MTGW2:Kearneysville RAWS : 74 / 54 / 0.00 ZSFO1:Zaleski RAWS : 79 / 51 / 0.00 VFFO1:Vinton Furnace RAWS : 80 / 56 / 0.00 SDFO1:Dean RAWS : 78 / 57 / 0.00 FLRK2:Fullers Station : M / M / M .END High and low temperatures for RAWS and AWOS sites are estimated from hourly observations and may not reflect actual high and low temperatures for the period. This data is preliminary and has not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/. Therefore...this data is subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$ National Weather Service Charleston WV