Expires:202501211800;Remove:202501211800;458326 WWUS75 KRIW 211647 NPWRIW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 947 AM MST Tue Jan 21 2025 WYZ001-004>007-010>020-022-025-026-030-211800- /O.EXP.KRIW.CW.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250121T1700Z/ Yellowstone National Park-North Bighorn Basin-Southwest Bighorn Basin-Southeast Bighorn Basin-Owl Creek and Bridger Mountains- Northeast Johnson County-Southeast Johnson County-Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains-Jackson Hole-Wind River Mountains West-Wind River Mountains East-Upper Wind River Basin-Wind River Basin- Lander Foothills-Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range-Natrona County Lower Elevations-Casper Mountain-Upper Green River Basin Foothills-Upper Green River Basin-East Sweetwater County- Including the cities of Kaycee, Farson, Lovell, Ten Sleep, Shell, Lander, Jackson, Basin, Riverton, Pinedale, Jeffrey City, Old Faithful, Wamsutter, Casper, Shoshoni, Greybull, Big Piney, Powell, Mammoth, Lake, Thermopolis, Dubois, Worland, Buffalo, and La Barge 947 AM MST Tue Jan 21 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM MST THIS MORNING... Temperatures will continue to increase through the morning, and dangerously cold wind chill temperatures will no longer be a concern through the rest of the day. However, temperatures will remain below zero in parts of the region, including the Green River and Wind River Basins through the early afternoon. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit https://weather.gov/riw/ . Hensley