Expires:202502172300;Remove:202502172300;052276 WWUS83 KGRR 171652 SPSGRR Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 1152 AM EST Mon Feb 17 2025 MIZ039-040-044>046-051-052-057>059-065>067-073-074-172300- Osceola-Clare-Newaygo-Mecosta-Isabella-Montcalm-Gratiot-Kent-Ionia- Clinton-Barry-Eaton-Ingham-Calhoun-Jackson- Including the cities of Reed City, Clare, Fremont, Big Rapids, Mount Pleasant, Greenville, Alma, Grand Rapids, Ionia, St. Johns, Hastings, Charlotte, Lansing, Battle Creek, and Jackson 1152 AM EST Mon Feb 17 2025 ...Low Visibilities and Slick Conditions Possible This Afternoon... Bands of lake effect snow were streaming inland off of Lake Michigan. Gusty west winds, over 30 mph at times, were also leading to blowing snow. The combination of these two were causing pockets of very low visibility that were dipping down under a half mile in few spots. Also, north/south roads could see drifting that may lead to hazardous travel conditions. Motorists should be alert for sudden changes to the visibility and be prepared for locally slick travel through the evening commute. $$